by Roger Wyatt| 4th January 2021 | more posts on
'Word Studies'
It is unknown whether, in the days that the first disciples waited in the upper room, and prior to the coming of the Holy Spirit, it was usual for individuals to stand up and preach. There certainly was a great deal of prayer (Acts 1:14) and an earnest searching of the scriptures during this time (Acts 1:20); only once is it recorded that ‘Peter stood up among the believers’ (Acts 1:15). However, after the Holy Spirit comes, the text of the Acts of the Apostles reports that, ‘Peter stood up with the Eleven, raised his voice and addressed the crowd’ (Acts 2:14).
by Roger Wyatt| 1st February 2021 | more posts on
'Dealing with the difficult'
Someone recently asked me about the ‘watchfulness’ parables of Luke 12, and their meaning. Undoubtedly, they represent some of the less palatable and more challenging parables of Jesus and, as such, demand careful consideration. The parables cannot be read nonchalantly, and taken together, raise some serious theological questions concerning judgement, reward, salvation and damnation.